Sports Massage

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One of the best ways to manage the stress of a busy life is by staying active and keeping fit. However, this can come with its own set of challenges, such as soreness and strain. Sports massage is a kind of remedial massage that helps to relieve tension in your body after exercise and optimize your performance for your next session. If you lead an active lifestyle, you need to keep your body healthy and strong so that you can continue doing the things you love. As such, there are many benefits from getting sports massage if you are an active person who regularly exercises and trains. Here is why:


Improve your overall wellness

While sports massage is primarily given to those who have already sustained an injury, there are many benefits to getting regular massage even if you are healthy. As a form of soft tissue manipulation, sports massage can help to improve your overall wellness in a number of ways, such as:


Increased blood flow

Massage causes blood vessels to dilate, which helps to deliver more oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. This means that you can exercise for longer and at higher intensity, as well as recovering quicker after a session.

Enhanced muscle function

When you exercise, you put your muscles under significant strain. Massage helps to break down these micro-tears and restore normal muscle function by removing toxins and waste.

Reduced risk of injury

Improved muscle function due to massage also means that you are less likely to sustain an injury. Additionally, massage can help to prevent overuse injuries by spreading out the pressure applied while exercising.

Aids muscle recovery

A common misconception is that sports massage is only for people who are injured. In fact, it can be just as beneficial for those who are healthy and want to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. A post-exercise massage can help to relieve accumulated muscle tension and speed up recovery times, which can be especially helpful if you are training for a competition. Whatever your sport, massage can help to improve your range of motion and flexibility to reduce the risk of injury from overuse. It can also promote blood flow to heal existing injuries more quickly.

Reduce chronic pain and stiffness

While sports massage isn’t likely to cure chronic pain that is the result of an underlying condition, it can be helpful in treating pain that is caused by overuse. If you are an active person who regularly trains and exercises, you might suffer from chronic pain, stiffness, or joint pain as a result of your activities. A sports massage can help alleviate this kind of pain by applying gentle pressure to your soft tissues to increase blood flow, which can then help to relieve pain. A sports massage can also help to improve your flexibility, which can help to reduce the risk of injury and lead to less stiffness and pain. Furthermore, if you have a specific injury, a sports massage can be very helpful for treating it and speeding up the recovery process.

Help with flexibility and mobility

As well as relieving pain, sports massage can also help with flexibility and mobility. For example, if you regularly exercise, you might find that your joints become stiff and painful. A sports massage can help to increase your range of motion and improve your mobility, which can reduce pain and make it easier to get around. If you are an athlete, you are likely to stretch regularly to help prevent injury. However, even regular exercisers could benefit from more stretching. A sports massage can help to improve your flexibility, especially if you have a sports massage after a stretching session.

If you lead an active lifestyle, you need to keep your body healthy and strong so that you can continue doing the things you love. As such, there are many benefits from getting sports massage if you are an active person who regularly exercises and trains. We have demonstrated the various benefits of sports massage, including improved blood flow, reduced muscle pain and stiffness, and increased flexibility and mobility. Now, all that remains is for you to book a sports massage appointment, so you can enjoy all the benefits that this can bring.

To book your sports massage, call us today.